Saturday, July 6, 2013

Just giving the quick catch-up before getting back to things...

This post will be short and sweet (or not). The last few years have had some major upheavals for me. This includes having been pregnant 4 times, with three miscarriages and one beautiful baby girl. She's two years old now. To say that the preceding year was absolute hell is an understatement. Pregnancy apparently eats my crafting mojo. On top of that was the combination of grief and postpartum depression, and then actual pregnancy with the aforementioned mojo-eating, then the postpartum depression again, only this time I couldn't take anything for it because I was breastfeeding my daughter. It took a *really* long time to get my mojo back. However, I'll say this, I'm now *finally* getting myself back up to "fighting shape" on my crafting. In the next few posts you may see a few things like a new pattern for a Night Dragon, and a new pattern for a Tyrannasaurus Rex (both amigurumi), plus I'm getting back to the crafty with the current Tour De Fleece! So in the next few weeks, you may see me get back to doing what I always did... Only in this case, it's now being more daughter-centric. I'm trying to get back to some of the things that were truly important to me. It's time. So please bear with me as I get my own bearings back... I've been to hell and back in the last few years. I am hoping that getting back to this blog will also show me getting back to *me*. Thanks for your patience! :)

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