Stitch types you need to know are your basic knit and perl, plus SSK and K2tog. They'll show you how to make a stitch (m1). When they tell you to make a stitch, it's not your standard increase by stitching twice in the same loop, they have you effectively pick up from inbetween stitches.
Okay, so I don't have pix of the ones I did recently... But I do have pix of the ones I made a few months ago.
This seems like an odd pattern, because what you wind up with is this HUGE shoe:
However, when you're done? The results are *just right*. Throw these puppies in the wash on hot for a few minutes, and it's like a shrinky dink!
Things I learned in doing the second pair:
1. If you use smaller needles, the length will still be the same, but the width will be narrower. So if you've got narrow feet, use a size 11 needle instead of a size 13 (this was done in a fit of desperation... I could *NOT* find my size 13 Addi Turbos, so I had to make do with a size 11 Susan Bates. Since my first pair was slightly large, I figured there was no harm done to use a different sized needle. All it did was shrink the width, not the length).
2. SWATCH FIRST. Just because Lamb's Pride felts at one rate does not mean the equivalent Patons wool will felt at the same rate. If you're doing two-color, make a two-color swatch. My first pair wound up being just a bit large.
3. These are incredibly comfortable, but you need to wear them while still wet in order to get them to mold properly to your foot. If these are a gift for someone else, tell them to throw them in the wash first (INSIDE A PILLOWCASE, so they don't make a mess of their machine), take them out while still wet, and mold to the feet from there.
4. You *CAN* let them spin dry, but only if you're *at* the washing machine at the time they start to spin... If you can position them so the soles are facing the outside of the machine, the washing machine will do the rest and take out most of the water, so you have less drying time. If you let them spin dry without positioning them first, they may fold over and you will get funky bumps in the soles of your new clogs.
5. DO NOT FORGET TO USE A PILLOWCASE. I cannot emphasize this enough. While the Patons yarn I used the second time didn't shed as much as the Lamb's Pride did, it still left a mess all over the pillowcase. If you don't use a pillowcase, you will have yarn fuzzies wrapped around the inside housing of the washing machine, and after a few times of doing this, you'll have to buy yourself a new machine.
These were a nice, quick, easy knit. If you're a beginner looking for something other than washcloths, these are a nice alternative. They're easier and MUCH faster than socks, but they start to give you the idea of what shaping can do.
Happy Knitting!
1 comment:
That is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
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