Well, here we are, six months later. *sigh*
I really need to work on that. ;)
However, I've been a busy bee on the string front.
You get things like what I call "Shorty", my short-row hat, mitten, and scarf set (okay, the scarf isn't short row)... Which I am not posting pix on just because otherwise I can't submit the pattern for publication. Phooey, because it means I can't submit my Infinite Kilt Hose for publication now, but oh well. I might make it available for download here when I eventually write up the pattern itself. :)
Then there's having joined the Rockin' Sock Club this year... I don't have pictures of the Lucky socks (my husband can't find the memory card that the pix were taken on), but I do have pix of the Dragon socks!
That was taken with the crappy old camera that has gone to meet it's maker. I need to fix that.
Then of course, there is the entrelac shawl:
And because there was leftover yarn from that (Noro Aurora), the entrelac vest (seen here while still in progress):
And of course, lately there has been SPINNING!!! Yeah, a friend of mine got me to go to MDSW this year, and I picked up 2 drop spindles (golding and bosworth) and fiber!!! :) I picked up about a pound and a half of turquoise hand-dyed merino fluff (haven't started on that yet), and an oz of yak, an oz of soy silk, an oz of tussah silk, an oz of bombyx silk, and an oz of mulberry...
The bottom one is 90 yards of laceweight yak, the top is 220 yards of laceweight soysilk. But the pride and joy (so far) has been the tussah:
See how thin that is? That's TWO PLY. :) One ounce produced 653 yards of two-ply, and that's after having had almost a mile's worth of single! It would have been more, only I had a small issue with tangles during the plying:
Can you believe that little tiny spindle and ball produced 653 yards? WHEE!
I've worked on more, only I don't have pix available right now... I'm trying to consolidate where all the pictures went to, since not all of them are online. I've got a pair of socks that I'm working on right now including the pattern, but I don't want to post pix, since my favorite publication won't publish them if anyone else has seen them. Pooh, I want to actually show things off! :)
That's a wrap for right now... Time to go finish washing and drying that tussah, and get started on the latest Rockin' Sock Club socks! They've been waiting three weeks to be started because of the tussah! :)
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