So at the end of January, I was trying to finish off some more "Bahama Blues"... I finished a spindle full of singles, and then moved on to plying. By the way, for future reference, there's only so much you can put on a spindle before it cries "uncle" and keeps slipping off the whorl...
And of course, then the plying started, early Saturday morning:
And the close up for plying, Navajo style (chain plying):
And of course, the finished spindle:
By Saturday night, I'd actually finished the Navajo ply and was beginning on another batch of singles for Bahama Blues. Remember, I had a whole POUND AND A HALF of this stuff, so I'll probably be spinning for the next year and a half! :)
However, I was anxious to start on this month's challenge yarn, "Mardi Gras". I picked up this beautiful roving from WindRose on Etsy. I have never seen roving so nicely carded, it is a dream to spin! It drafts so nicely! I know I posted the four samples I received last month, but just to show you what I'm using for the "Mardi Gras" colors again:
The purple is somewhat more purple than it seems to have come through with, I need to do a color correction on it. However, I was so anxious to get started, I went all the way through the green and already started on the yellow! :)
The second image has the yellow I've started on, but also has the green that I wound onto an empty ZipFizz container to use as a nostepinne. I find with the little snap-tops, they make for a perfect nostepinne, and then you won't lose any twist! :)
Can you believe I only started this on Sunday morning? That's how nicely this stuff spins up! It's four two-oz samples of merino, and it's so soft, and spins so well... I need to recommend this roving for a friend of mine learning spinning, because it'll be so easy for her to draft! :)
Yeah, I was a busy girl this weekend... Too bad it wasn't quite applied to the house the way I would have liked... Got some cleaning done, but not nearly enough!
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