Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So with being sick...

... There was actually time to finish my spindle's worth of Plume:

And the ball of singles, getting ready to be two-plied:

The green isn't quite as prevalent as one might think.

And a touch of the two-ply already in progress:

I didn't get done as much as I'd like to, considering I was home all day, but I spent most of it sleeping. Lord knows I needed it.

I do not like the flu. I can't imagine what it would have done if I hadn't gotten the flu shot.


Yarndude said...

Your singles look wonderful, as usual. I'm curious, did you use your spindle as a nostepinne, or did you just ball your singles and then slide them onto the spindle?

textilegeek said...

Balled the singles, using a ZipFizz container ( as a nostepinne, then slid the singles ball onto the shaft of the spindle.

I *did* actually think about using the frankenspindle as a nostepinne at one point, since the fancy tip broke off the shaft, so there's nothing hindering the ball from sliding off anymore...