It's 65 yards of an unknown wool with some angelina sprinkled in there. Too bad you really can't get good pix of Angelina. :)
I really need to put together a lighting box though... Because pix on the floor just don't make for good pix. :)
However, on to my PSA:
If I have absolutely no idea who you are, why on earth do you think I would just give you a pattern that I purchased at one point? First, it's illegal. Copyright for patterns are retained by the original owner, and it is up to them to determine how their patterns are distributed and if they will cost money. They spent their time developing a pattern, they deserve the money for it. Free patterns are only free because someone paid for advertising on the site that distributed them. A pattern that is not available for free distribution has to be paid for somehow. Second, if you have never spoken to me before, why do you think I would give you (for free) a pattern I spent my hard earned cash on? Third, when you join something like a sock club, it is with the knowledge that those patterns and yarns that come from the club are exclusive and have not been released to the general public. So if I spent my hard-earned cash on a club so I could get yarns and patterns otherwise not released to the general public, why do you think I would give it to you?
Sorry, this is just the first time I've had a Raveller actually ask me for a pattern. I firmly believe that the pattern creator has the right to determine how the pattern is distributed. It is one thing to loan the pattern to a friend when you physically hand the pattern to them and you have made no copies of it. It is entirely another to make copies of a pattern and distribute it against copyright.
Just got irritated because an absolute stranger saw a pattern that is supposed to be an exclusive one and asked me to make a copy and send it to her.
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