Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pics of the Bahama Blues - Unwashed

I still think that this is the coolest view ever:

I love that end view on the spindle, it's just awesome. :)

One pre-ply:

And post N-ply:

And then of course, there's the whole 770 yards, most of it washed and whacked, but the stuff on the ends still hasn't been washed. Because of the infamous cat-pee incident earlier this week, I want to re-wash it *all* at the same time. Then I need to find a good place for it to dry.

Wanna see a close up? :)

This is the first time I've done Navajo plying, and certainly the first time I've done more than a pound of yarn. While my silk did give me more yardage, that was frog-hair thin. :)

770 yards... You know, with most shawls needing 600, I could easily make a shawl and matching hat... :)


Lori said...

Thinks that no matter what you choose, it will be amazing because it's made from your handspun.

Mistene said...

Just found your blog while doing a Google search for "wrist distaff" and I wanted to say your Bahama Blues turned out great. Also, I must know where you got that spindle because it's gorgeous. I'm kyspartan on Ravelry so if you're on there could you send me a PM? Thanks.